Numerology Consultant


Like God, or Source, or whatever you wish to call it, numbers are omnipresent. Indeed, everything which has FORM also has NUMBERS. Think about it: height, weight, age, phone number, house number, you name it, wherever you find NUMBERS you find LIFE.

It is important to say that when we talk about numerology we are not talking about maths. Feel free to breathe a sigh of relief! Though professional geniuses involved in Graduate level Higher Mathematics are essentially doing numerology, all we need say is that numbers are energy, and that energies always contain messages.

“With a sincere heart and a gifted spirit, William penetrates the souls realm so as to assist those who seek his guidance to move closer to filling their destiny.”

Pythagorean Numerology, or “Modern Numerology,” as it’s often called, is used in the majority of cases. Pythagorean Numerology is very popular because it’s easier to learn how to translate letters into numbers, and to master their meanings. The name, when analyzed under Pythagorean Numerology, gives a psycho­logical bent to what motivates you, what you best ex­press naturally, as well as the impression you’re likely to make on others. Thus, Pythagorean Numerology method defines the natural talents, abilities, and tools that you were given at birth. This is why using the full name at birth is very important under this Pythagorean Numerology system.

Before we go any further, I want to make it clear that Numerology does not depend on psychic ability. It is not clairvoyance. I believe everyone is somewhat psychic and that we all have intuitions, but the power of Numerology doesn’t depend on these characteristics.

Chaldean Numerology or “Mystic Numerology” is the older numerology of the two numerology systems. While Chaldean Numerology is considered more accurate, it’s less popular. This is because the Chaldean Numerology system is not as easy to master, and the alphabet values are not in as systematic an order as the other Numerology system. The name, when ana­lyzed under Chaldean Numerology, gives a more occult or meta­physical flavor to the destiny that’s interwoven into the person’s character. Chaldean Numerology indicates the hidden forces or invisible strings at play behind the scenes.

The Chaldean Numerology method also differs in that it goes by the name you’re most known by. Our sample person is known as Louis Wheeler to most people, and this is preferred under Chaldean Numerology analysis. As you see, his name underChaldean Numerology adds up to a 6.

After the name, the birth number the day of the month on which you were born is considered to be the next most important factor in Chaldean Numerology. In our case, Louis was born on the 3rd of the month. The birth day number affects the personality, health, and other factors in Chaldean Numerology that will be detailed in future chapters.

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Ajay Kumar having a passion for Vedic Science he always pursued the path of self-discovery. Now he is full time into this science of Divination and Self-discovery.

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